For Lila's birthday party I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. At the same time I want it to be special and feel made with love. I found some fabric that I really like. For my first birthday I remember polka dots. My mom said it was a clown theme but in the pictures I remember I am wearing a polka dot bib. I was going to get complicated and have a theme but there was too much to look at and decide. And the theme is Lila's first birthday and the main event the cake smash! So I am using the fabric as my inspiration.
I made the invitations tonight and they were pretty simple and didn't take too long.
I started with card stock that I tore (in straight lines) I love that look, plus I am not great at freehand cutting triage lines. I made 3 cards (6 pieces) from each 12x12 square. I then cut out 12 (12 invites) triangles in the shape of a party hat put of my fabric. Next I cut 12 1/2" peices of ribbon and snipped one end to look like a top of a hat. (or close enough)
I elmer glued the fabric hat and ribbon to the card.
Next I stitched along the bottom of each card with a party hat (I just lined it up and did them back to back)
Then I took the party card and Mather it with a blank card and stitched them together at the top. I chose to do a fun stitch. A wave pattern. Just the straight stitch wasn't enough.
I will write the details when I decide what time we will want to have the party.... I know in the afternoon buy an waiting to see what Lila's afternoon naps are looking like in a month when it is time to send them out.